The leadership team at Serve It Up Safe! has a adopted a position that closely follows generally accepted standards of restaurants, hotels, airlines and other service related hospitality/travel businesses— We have unilaterally agreed that we will not provide services to, or we will discontinue services that have commenced, to any individual(s) that behaves in a manner that is counter to our hospitality culture and is offensive, hurtful and/or injurious to our employee’s. Such offensive behavior includes but is not limited to anger, belittlement, rudeness, profanity, yelling, intoxication, unreasonableness and/or other similar offenses be it in written or verbal communication form. This standard that is becoming widely implemented by many hospitality & travel related organizations additionally applies to any social media posts. Threats or indications of violence in any form will be reported to the law enforcement agency from where the threat originated. And here at Serve It Up Safe! we hold our employee’s, contractors and service providers to the same standard. If, on the rare occasion that we are forced to discontinue a business relationship with any one entity for violations of said policies, we will promptly provide the contact information for a suitable alternative service provider. Thank you!